Sunday, February 7, 2010

Catching Up!

Hmm... I'm sure some of you thought I dropped off the face of the earth! We have actually been very busy and with the holidays it was impossible to find enough time to keep the blog updated. I'll do my best here to hit the highlights of what we've been up to these past couple of months...

In early November we had the major task of getting Christmas orders ready and even squeezing in a few sessions just to get those last minute Christmas presents ready. It always seems that Christmas has a way of sneaking up on me every year!

We took pics of the grandkids for my parents to replace an outdated photo hanging on their wall... it's amazing how fast they all seem to grow!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

We went out afterward to try and capture the last bit of fall color with just us... and to let the kids play with the timer to try and get a family photo of our own. Our little princess actually took the best photo of us and it was awesome to see her run and jump into position! She giggled the whole way there and there were several attempts where she didn't make it!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

In early November we ventured down to visit my family in Ottumwa and surprise my grandparents with a photo of their kids. It was rare to get these four together and get them to sit still long enough to get updated photos... patience is not a virtue in this family!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Here are just of few quick photos we snapped of my aunt's grandbaby in between getting the group photos outside. It gave us chance to warm up and get out of the wind!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

It took a little convincing but we finally managed to get my in-laws in the studio for just a few pics when they came over for a late Thanksgiving! It's always so hectic trying to figure out schedules during the holidays! Sometimes it's just easier to have one gathering a little later so that all can make it and not feel stressed (and stuffed)!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

Catching Up!

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