Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shout Out for Slightly Soiled!!!

Wow! I just couldn't resist doing a shout out for my son! He spent his entire summer playing 'Slightly Soiled' in the Circa '21 production of Peter Pan! Closing night was at the end of August so he's been a little lost and sad since it finished. I wanted to do something special on the blog for him so I'm posting his new headshot for his next audition... whatever that may be.

For those of you didn't see it, it was an absolutely fabulous production and Ryan enjoyed every minute of it. As parents we'd like to commend him for his dedication and level of performance. We thought he did an awesome job and couldn't be more proud of him!

I'm planning on posting some photos that Ryan took backstage but I'm running a little late with my postings so I'll need to wait until I get caught back up! Keep checking back for more photos from the summer... 

Shout Out for Slightly Soiled!!!

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