Monday, December 20, 2010

Unique Senior 'C'

Well, I'm behind again in getting my blog updated but thanks for bearing with me!

We met up with Senior 'C' to get some amazing photos with those intense eyes! It was super hard to select which ones to put up here on the blog as so many of them are unique and amazing. You can't even tell from the pics how cold it was that day. Enjoy your preview...

Unique Senior 'C'

Unique Senior 'C'

Unique Senior 'C'

Unique Senior 'C'

Unique Senior 'C'

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'

Senior 'L' is an accomplished cross country runner that took us out for some fall color on her favorite trails. We captured some awesome studio pics before heading out to enjoy the day. Here's her preview... we'll see you in the studio soon!

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'

Keeping Up With Senior 'L'