Friday, August 28, 2009

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Senior 'A' could be described as a triple threat... adventurous, attractive and athletic. We had a fun session and enjoyed trying out a new location with senior 'A'. Here are just a few of my favorites from her session! Enjoy!

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Adventures with Senior 'A'

Monday, August 24, 2009

At the Park With Senior 'M'

We had a beautiful morning at the park and the rainbow over the fountain was awesome. We managed to overcome the wet grass and even a bee sting... luckily it wasn't senior 'M' or me that got stung! Here are our favorites from the session. 

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

At the Park With Senior 'M'

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Okay, well we weren't exactly singing in the rain but we were definitely out in it. After the start of the shoot it started sprinkling and by the time we were in the middle of the creek it was down right pouring! I've never done a shoot in the rain and Senior 'D' was totally up for it so we kept going. 'D' is super sweet and could absolutely be a model! I think we captured some awesome images despite the weather...

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'!

Yep, it was definitely time to break out the umbrella!!!

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'
Singin' in the Rain with Senior 'D'

Monday, August 17, 2009

He's back...

Wow, we actually got my nephew back in the studio today! I'm beginning to think he'll never come back to my house again. He did have a good point when he said that at least he's only a senior once. For not liking having his pictures taken he sure looks good!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

My nephew was an awesome model when we met up with him downtown for his senior photos. Although he really would have preferred playing W.O.W. all day he was extremely patient and the results were well worth it. Here's his sneak peak of the outdoor part of his session. We're hoping to get him in the studio sometime tomorrow!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Nephew 'K' is Graduating!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Talented Senior 'J'

I had a great time this morning with senior 'J'. We met up at the football field after practice to capture the variety of activities that he is involved in. Thanks for hanging in with us 'J', you made it easy and I hope you had as much fun as we did! Enjoy your preview...

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'

Talented Senior 'J'